We're the #1 Pool Safety Barrier Provider in the U.S.

Pool Safety Equipment | Find the Best Option

If you are a pool owner that has children or pets, having pool safety equipment in place is a necessity.

Pool accidents can be fatal, even if your child knows how to swim. Children under the age of 15 accounts for at least 70% of drownings in home pools.

That’s why it’s so important to have physical safety barriers around your pool. They are potential lifesaving devices. They provide an effective layer of protection against unsupervised access to your pool. The bottom line is – pool barriers keep your youngsters and pets safe.

Pool Safety Equipment Essentials – Did you know…

Pool Safety Codes

Additionally, many cities and states require pool safety equipment such as a pool fence to be installed at residential swimming pools. Check the building code section of your local municipality website to learn what the regulations are for your area.

Pool Fencing Options

Fortunately, there are numerous pool safety equipment options on the market for pool owners to choose from. However, pool fences are one of the most secure ways to protect children from the danger of exposed open water.

Pool Safety Fence Guidelines:

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), a professionally installed pool safety fence can play a key role in preventing pool drownings, when done properly.

They recommend the following for this specific safety equipment:

  1. A pool fence should reach at least 48 inches in height. It should be clear of any areas which can be easily climbed.
  2. There should be a self-closing, self-latching pool gate that opens outward from the pool.
  3. The installation of the pool fence should completely surround the pool to separate the house from the pool area.

By putting pool safety equipment in place, your children will be able to play safely around the backyard pool. You will also have peace of mind knowing they’re protected!

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